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Our Team​

River Advocates is governed by a Board of Directors and staffed by an executive director, volunteers and interns who serve as River Guides.

Board of Directors

The Board includes river advocates Dennis Richardson, president; Martin Mador, Robert Workman, David Sloane, Kathy Fay, Doreen Abubakar and Aaron Goode.

River Guide

Emma Richardson creates videos, recorded a conference and hosted turtle displays.

River Guide

Jason Kohl is preparing videos, setting up monitoring, and assisting the paddling program.


River Volunteers

Stephen Modine is assisting Prof. Ron Smith of Yale Geology in the monitoring program. Breina Schain helps with paddling instruction.

Executive Director

Mary Mushinsky directs programs and trains river guides and has worked to restore rivers for 21 years. Mary is the author of Urban River Permits Review and Advocacy Recommendations for the Quinnipiac, Mill and West Rivers (2015).

River Guides

My'kel Alston, Jamece James, Jervone Myers, Ian Reynolds, and Ryan Gamble escort paddlers, plant trees and learn about river pollution to educate visitors.

Join Our Volunteers & Guides
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